When my son was about 1½ or so, he was playing at home and had a small toy in each hand. I had a toy in my hand that he wanted. I offered it to him and it was clear that he wanted it very badly. However, he refused to let go of the smaller toys in his hands, and was thus unable to accept the larger toy I was offering him. It was a brief interaction but left a lasting impression on me.
So often, we want so badly to hold onto the things/ideas/limiting beliefs that we have, that we are unable to be open to the greater things that God/the universe is trying to offer us.
Today I had the privilege of being witness to a truly beautiful and almost sacred conversation between people supporting each other through concussion recovery.
One young woman was encouraging another woman who was concerned that she might have to give up her job because of her injury.
This young woman, with wisdom beyond her years, reminded her that God has a plan for each of us, and when we can let go of our own tightly-held ideas, we will be able to see what He has in store for us.
She held up her hands in fists, and when she talked about letting go she uncurled her fingers and turned her palms up.
I loved that visual.
When we let go, we are open to what our higher power wants to give us, and it may be completely different that what we had imagined for ourselves, but it will be infinitely better.