Hi Friends!
As we’re finishing up our first week of 2024, I just wanted to pop in and remind us all of the power of our thoughts as we face a new year.
How are you thinking about this upcoming year? Are you looking forward to it? Dreading it? Ready to tackle it head-on? Grateful for it?
Remember that we have incredible power over the results in our lives because we have the ability to choose our thoughts and what we focus on. And the way we think about things tends to turn into self-fulfilling prophecy.
So let’s be intentional about how we choose to think about our future and this upcoming year. What do you want your focus to be? Where do you want to spend your time, energy, and efforts?
We are not the victims of our life and circumstances — we have the power to control our experience by simply controlling our thoughts. It is really that simple…but not necessarily that easy. The content of these weekly messages is meant to help us all navigate this simple-but-not-easy task of managing of our minds. We’ve got this!
Welcome, 2024!
Thanks for being here with me.