I told my some of my kids tonight that where we focus our thoughts makes a huge difference for what happens in our lives — that our thoughts tend to be self-fulfilling prophecies, so it’s really important to focus on the things we want in our lives.
My 7-year-old said, “So since Carver is always saying, ‘I am super ripped,’ does that mean he’ll actually become super ripped?”
We all laughed and I told him yes, that’s probably what will happen. 🙂
But really, where we focus our attention and desires can make all the difference in how we feel about our lives. We cannot control all of the circumstances of our lives, but we absolutely can control how we choose to think about them.
Part of intentionally choosing our thoughts and therefore guiding our lives in the direction we want them to go includes intentionally filling our minds with the things that lead to the outcomes we want.
If you want to become an airline pilot, you listen to podcasts about flying, you go to flight school and study the things you need to know to become a pilot. You fill your mind with pilot-y things.
If you want to feel happier, you can fill your mind with music and content (podcasts, books, videos) that help your mind focus on that which leads to light and happiness.
We have so much more control over these things than we give ourselves credit for. WE choose where we place our attention. And what we focus on is what grows in our awareness.
There is SO much content out there that can help you keep your mind focused on WHATEVER you want.
Don’t let the algorithms of social media or the suggestions from Netflix or Spotify be the main drivers of where your attention is placed.
Be intentional about what you fill your mind with.