One of my favorite games, which I don’t play nearly frequently enough, is the “I’m Grateful Game.” It’s very easy. You can play it by yourself or with others. All you have to do is come up with as many things you’re grateful for as you can. The game gets more challenging and fun if you come up with super-specific, random things that you’ve never thought to be grateful for, but that genuinely make your life better or happier or more enjoyable in some way. (ie: soles of shoes, traction on the road, the ability to sneeze, nose hair, owl pellets, etc… SO random, right??) If you’re playing with someone else, hearing their ideas can be quite entertaining and it’s fun to play off of each others’ ideas.
Gratitude is one of the most effective and powerful ways to improve happiness and sense of fulfillment in life. So many studies have been done on happiness and gratitude always ends up being one of the top suggestions for increasing it.
Particularly with Thanksgiving coming up, this is a great time to start playing the I’m Grateful Game. :). I’d love to hear some of the random things you come up with! — feel free to reply to this email with things that you are grateful for.
I am grateful for you! Happy Thanksgiving!