Home » Gratitude


The I’m Grateful Game

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One of my favorite games, which I don’t play nearly frequently enough, is the “I’m Grateful Game.”  It’s very easy. You can play it by yourself or with others. All you have to do is come up with as many things you’re grateful for as… Read More »The I’m Grateful Game

Traveling After A Concussion

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Summer is upon us (for those of you in the Northern Hemisphere 🙂  This often comes with traveling for reunions or vacations or business trips, etc. Navigating airports and new places can be hard and overstimulating for anyone, but for people dealing with post concussion… Read More »Traveling After A Concussion

Nothing’s Gone Wrong Here

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This is one of my favorite go-to thoughts. It’s believable for me when I zoom out and look at the big picture and remind myself that God isn’t up there wringing His hands in worry about whatever it is I’m concerned about. Trusting that there’s… Read More »Nothing’s Gone Wrong Here

Play Time!

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This past week I got to go to a destination wedding, sans children, for 5 days. I was surprised at how much NOT being responsible for keeping 6 other little humans alive brought out the inner child in me… I had almost forgotten how much… Read More »Play Time!

With What You Have Left

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I have a friend who sustained a concussion recently, and she sent me the link to a blog post that is short and very inspiring. I’ll include the link to the post below, but here’s the summary: In 1995, a world-class violinist, Itzhak Perlman, performed… Read More »With What You Have Left

The Power of Gratitude

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The other day, I was putting a mattress cover back on the bed of a kiddo who had peed in it the night before. This is a somewhat regular occurrence, and as I was performing the physical gymnastics required to put a fitted sheet on… Read More »The Power of Gratitude