This will be a short and sweet one. Just wanted to remind you that the little things make all the difference.
The little things done for you: an unexpected gift dropped off on the doorstep, the flower petals lovingly picked and delivered to your palm by your 5 year old, the genuine look of concern and earnestness when a sincere person asks how you’re doing or says they’re praying for you, etc.
The little things you can do for yourself: giving yourself grace when you’re having a rough time, taking that moment to sit or lay down if you need to, smiling at yourself in the mirror and telling yourself that you’re doing great, etc.
The little things you can do for others: a text saying you’re thinking about them, a sincere compliment given, giving someone the benefit of the doubt and assuming they’re doing the best they can.
All of these things are small and simple, and yet it’s these very small and simple things that make up the vast majority of our life experience. A little bit of intention in noticing and offering “little things” will significantly enhance our lives — in both the good and the hard times.
I’d love to hear some of the little things that you notice make a difference in your life.