My guest on The Concussion Coach Podcast this week shared this thought, and it’s an idea that I’ve come to believe and appreciate over the past few years.
I don’t think that believing this thought in a moment when you don’t feel ok means that you’ll stay in that moment indefinitely.
It may feel scary to acknowledge that we’re struggling, or that things don’t feel ok. Acknowledging it and having compassion for yourself through it does not mean that you’re giving it power or making it last longer.
What we resist persists, so actually, acknowledging and owning when we are struggling is the first step to allowing the difficulty to process and to pass.
Don’t be afraid to reach out for help – find a friend, a coach, a therapist, or do whatever non-harmful thing that feels comforting and helpful (take a nap, go on a calming walk in nature, get all your feelings out in a journal), etc.
Wherever you are is ok. If you’re not ok, that’s ok for now. Let yourself have whatever experience you’re having, and know that this, too, will pass.
Love you, friends.