Noise sensitivity is one of the most common concerns of people suffering from post concussion syndrome. Sounds can feel overwhelming and prevent people from participating in activities they love, such as sporting events, concerts, youth camps, family gatherings, etc. Noise sensitivity can be devastating and significantly impact someone’s functioning in their daily life.
One trick that can help decrease noise sensitivity is to help your brain recognize where sounds are coming from. This is because when your brain has trouble processing and localizing sound, it increases the threat response and causes that pain and overwhelm. So closing your eyes and having someone snap their fingers or clap in different places and then trying to identify without looking where they made that sound can help to train your brain and relearn where sounds are coming from, which in turn will help to decrease that threat response that your brain is using to try to protect you.
Listen in to this week’s podcast to learn so much more about this, as well as about a machine that can help with this, and how that same machine can help people regain their sense of smell following COVID.
YouTube: https://youtu.be/wTqpdlfJqV8