Hi there!
Today I thought I’d share a few recommendations of books that have been motivational and inspiring to me and that have helped increase my understanding of the brain & body in significant ways.
Here they are, just a few:
*The Art of Learning by Josh Waitzkin (this chess champion and world tai-chi champion shares what he learned about learning through his experiences with chess and tai-chi — it’s so good)
*The Brain That Changes Itself and The Brain’s Way of Healing, both by Norman Doidge (these will blow your mind at the awesomeness of neuroplasticity)
*Rest by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang (this will convince you to take walks and vacations)
*Spark by John J. Ratey, MD (this one is about exercise & its effects of the brain)
*Atomic Habits by James Clear (teaches strategies for changing behavior and creating habits intentionally)
*Loving What Is by Byron Katie (this is a powerful book about accepting and embracing things as they are, and understanding the power of our thoughts)
*The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel A. van der Kolk (powerful insights into the mind-body connection, hope-giving information on how to truly heal from trauma)
*Brain Rules by John Medina (fascinating info on how our brains work)
*The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg (another excellent work on habit formation)
Enjoy! And feel free to send me the names of any books you’d highly recommend 🙂