“Balance is about recovery.” I’m taking an applied neurology course right now and when the instructor said this phrase, I had to pause the video and write it down.
So many times we imagine that balance means attaining a state of serene, peaceful stillness. But really, balance is about correcting when we have leaned too far one way or the other. It’s about correction and recovery, and the better we’re able to readjust from crazy off-balance leaning, the better balance we have.
This is true of physical balance. But it is also so true of life balance.
I had this idea that I would come to a time in my life where I would achieve balance – peaceful stillness with all the competing demands on my time perfectly poised and harmonized.
But that’s not reality.
Reality is that circumstances are always changing. A balanced life means constant adjustments back and forth as competing demands pull us one way and another.
It’s a continual process, and it’s ok that we never quite reach a perfect equilibrium.
Balance is about recovery.